Koreans have been living in the United States for a long time, and they have become one of the most influential immigrants. NAKA formed by the Korean Americans has played an important role in shaping the policies of the US.
They have played a significant role in passing a resolution in the US Senate commemorating the 100th anniversary of the immigration of Koreans. President Bush applauded them for being an integral part of America.
Korean Americans have established themselves as distinguished lawyers, people in business, actors, singers, and many more areas. Their strict work ethic is to be credited for their success. They still follow the old laws and rules of the Korean culture and support their family with whatever they can. They live in a nuclear family and spend most of their time on work.
Some of the most notable Korean Americans are
Philip Jaisohn

Philip Jaisohn
He was born as Soh Jaipil in 1864 and descended from a royal family by the name of the Joseon Dynasty family. He led a coup against the Korean monarchy but that failed, and he escaped to America. He settled in Pennsylvania.
He was the first Korean to be granted a US citizenship. He later joined the University of Pennsylvania and worked there as a medical researcher and practitioner.
He died in 1951. He was the one who laid the groundwork for the Korean Americans to live a safe life in America. He showed that Koreans could have a prosperous future in America.
Susan Ahn Cuddy

Susan Ahn Cuddy
She was born in Los Angeles to the first couple that immigrated to America. Her father had told her to do her best to be a good American but never forget her Korean culture. Her home became a haven for the Koreans who migrated to America.
During their stay in Los Angeles, Philip Jaisohn visited their home. Young Koreans Academy made their headquarters in their home as a resource center for the Korean immigrants. Susan’s achievements are truly noteworthy.
After school, she joined the Navy as she thought that it was the only way she could help Korea escape the Japanese rule. She became the first woman gunnery in the history of the US Navy. She rose to the ranks of Lieutenant and went on to work for the Library of Congress and the US Navy intelligence.
She also worked for the National Security Agency and was in charge of a team of officers during the Cold War. After that, she returned to her home and took charge of the family restaurant. In 2003, she was named the Woman of The Year by the State Assembly of California due to her exemplary public service. She spent her life serving the people of America and her nation.
Kristen Kish
She was born in Seoul and grew up in Michigan after getting adopted. She worked as a model for some time and then joined a kitchen named Stir, where she worked as an instructor. The owner of Stir later made her the executive chef.
Her moment under the spotlight came when she was crowned as the winner in Top Chef and became only the second female winner in the history of Top Chef.
Her story of being an orphan and then going on to becoming a renowned chef is inspirational not only to Korean Americans but every other teenager. Her love of food and her resilience helped her become successful in life.
Nelson Joosuk Chai

Nelson Joosuk Chai
He was born to Korean immigrant parents and went on to occupy prestigious positions in some of the best firms. He studied at the University of Pennsylvania and received an MBA from the Harvard Business School.
He held positions in AlliedSignal and Philip Morris. He was named as the chief financial officer of Archipelago Exchange and was also instrumental in the merger between Archipelago and New York Stock Exchange.
He is also one of the members of the national board of directors for the US Fund for UNICEF. He is an example of how Korean Americans are playing important roles in the American society and workforce.
All of the above people were determined to succeed, and their ability to work hard empowered them to rise above their situation.
They worked in unison with the Americans and are now a part of the mainstream American dream.